Rick And Morty
Website | September 18, 2024
Built using
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- GraphQL
- Apollo Client
- Vercel

This website is a platform that allows users to explore and access comprehensive information about characters, locations, and episodes from the animated series Rick and Morty. With an engaging and user-friendly interface, users can find everything they need about the Rick and Morty universe in one place.
Key Features
- List Characters: Navigate through an extensive list of characters from the series.
- Character Details: Get in-depth information about each character, including their status, species, and origin.
- Search Characters: Easily search for your favorite characters by name.
- Pagination: Page navigation (characters, locations, and episodes).
- List Locations: Explore the various locations featured in the Rick and Morty universe.
- Location Details: View details about each location, including its type and dimension.
- Search Locations: Search locations by name.
- List Episodes: Browse through all episodes, with each episode having a brief description.
- Episode Details: Get detailed information about each episode, including the air date and characters appearing in the episode.
- Search Episodes: Find episodes by name.
- Responsive Design: Ensure the website is fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.